E-commerce Valuation Calculator

How Does Our E-commerce Valuation Calculator Works?

We created this E-commerce Valuation Calculator to find the worth of your e-commerce website based on the latest industry standards. The tool is completely free to use! Input your key financial information, along with traffic data, about your store’s website and we will provide you with an approximate value of your e-commerce business.

We use the following formula in our calculation:

Business Valuation = Annual Net Profit Before Tax × Adjusted Multiple

We have seen from our experience and current market conditions that buyers are focused on profit instead of revenue. That’s why we included PBT in our formula, along with many factors like sales trends, number of visitors, marketing costs, etc. that go into finding the Adjusted Multiple All the factors are given different weights and bases to determine the multiple.

We also consider the latest Industry benchmarks to find out where your business stands in today's time. Whether you're planning to sell or seeking investors, this tool can help you in making important business decisions.

We understand that valuing a business can seem complicated, so we've simplified the process into a few easy steps. Find out what your e-commerce business is REALLY worth in 5 Minutes!

Note that the final output is not a 100% accurate value but can be a good starting point to know what you get when selling it.

Online Business Valuation Calculator

Why Trust Our Valuation Calculator?

With over five years in the industry, we genuinely understand what buyers are looking for when buying someone else’s business. We know what data they specifically look for when doing their due diligence. So, we've used this insider knowledge to create a valuation calculator that considers the real factors affecting your store's worth today. Trust us to provide an honest valuation that can guide your decisions and help you confidently plan your next steps.

Not Convinced with the Valuation?

Have doubts about the value of your e-commerce business or how to sell it? Our expert M&A advisors are here to help you navigate every step.

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