Ecomswap’s Shopify Store Valuation Calculator is a free tool that can tell you the estimated value of a Shopify store if you want to buy or sell it. Input some basic financial information including Annual Profit, number of visitors, recurring customer rate, etc. and it will provide you with an approximate value of the business.
We use the following valuation formula for the calculation:
Shopify Store Valuation = Seller’s Discretionary Earnings (SDE) × Adjusted Multiple
We've sold many e-commerce businesses in the last 5 years (mostly Shopify Stores), and we've learned what buyers and investors care about. So, in this Shopify Valuation Tool, we're not just crunching numbers, but we're using real-world knowledge to give you a valuation you can trust. Our goal is simple: to help you understand what your Shopify store might be worth, without the confusion. Trust us to provide an honest valuation that can guide your decisions and help you confidently plan your next steps.
Have doubts about your Shopify Store value or how to sell it? Our expert M&A advisors are here to help you navigate every step.
Book a Free Valuation CallA Shopify Store Valuation Calculator is a tool that helps you estimate the value of your Shopify store if you are looking to sell yours or buy one from someone. Using some of the key financial data such as your annual net profit, growth rate, and customer metrics, this calculator provides an approximate worth of the store.
The valuation provided by the tool is an estimate based on the information you provide and current industry data. While it offers a useful starting point, actual market values can vary due to various factors like market conditions and buyer perceptions. For a definitive valuation, consider consulting with a professional business appraiser. We can also help you with that!
We use Seller’s Discretionary Earnings in this Valuation Tool as it is widely used for Shopify businesses. SDE is the go-to metric for valuing small businesses because it blends business profits and owner’s compensation into one number. We multiply it by an Adjusted Multiple that is based on other key parameters of the store.
The Adjusted Multiple is influenced by several key parameters that impact your store's attractiveness to buyers:
Yes, providing your email and name is required. You'll receive a One-Time Password (OTP) via email to verify your identity before accessing your valuation results.
The calculator is designed for already running Shopify stores with some financial data in hand. We don’t recommend using it for new stores. However, stores that are not yet generating profit may receive a lower valuation.
Yes, our Shopify Store Valuation Calculator is completely free to use. We aim to provide valuable resources to help Shopify store owners understand their business's worth without any cost.
Yes, the valuation can serve as a starting point in discussions with potential buyers or investors. However, remember that it's an estimate. Serious negotiations typically involve a thorough due diligence process and may require a professional valuation to substantiate your asking price.
If you're unsure about certain data points, we recommend gathering as much accurate information as possible before using the calculator. Estimates can be used, but they may affect the accuracy of the valuation.